So by now you all know that Baby #2 is a BOY! I just got all of the photos from the party back from our photographer, so I wanted to make a post and tag all of the products we used to make it happen! I didn't go "all out" with the decorations because I just planned Piper's birthday party earlier that month. Even without a lot of decorations, the party turned out exactly how I wanted!

We kept it pretty simple as far as decoration go, but it was perfect! All I bought was some balloons, a couple signs, stickers, and the two floral arrangements... and the confetti poppers, of course! Everyone met at our house and we ordered Chick-fil-A catering for dinner. We had the party at 6:00pm because we wanted the sun to be going down before we did the reveal in order to get the best photos. We ate dinner and then headed outside to pop the confetti!
We decided to have our guests pop the confetti instead of doing it ourselves. There were a few reasons we decided to do it this way:
1. I knew that if Vance and I were the ones to pop them, I might have a hard time doing it at the same time as him and I just feared that one of ours (probably mine) wouldn't work properly and that I would see his before I could even pop mine. This way I also just got to focus on enjoying the moment instead of panicking about my popper.
2. I saw Hunter Premo do it this way where her family was standing behind them in the photos and I loved how you could see all of their reactions in the background! Most times when the parents are the ones popping them, you only get to see their reaction.
So we bought a popper for each of our guests, but ordered a few extras to use for photos after. This was really helpful because we were able to get some additional shots that ended up being some of my favorites.
Linking most items below!
Overall, the party was exactly what we wanted. Something low-key for our closest family and friends to learn something new about our baby. At the end of the day, we know that our children will grow up to be whomever they want to be and we will support them no matter what.
Happy party planning!