I'll take any excuse to make felt food for Piper's kitchen lol So I decided to make some back-to-school-inspired treats to get her excited to start school!

Felt (I get mine from Hobby Lobby)
Embroidery floss in colors matching the felt
Embroidery needle
Beads or sequins
Quilt batting (can be found in craft stores in sewing section)
Cut out shapes from felt. I print out templates on cardstock, pin them to the felt, and cut around them. But you can also draw your own templates or just free-hand it! You should cut out the part you want to be the "icing" or decorated part of your felt cookies, then cut two larger pieces out of the cream colored felt (this acts as the "cookie"). These pieces should be slightly larger, so you can see a cream border around each one.
Sew your "decoration" pieces of felt onto one piece of the cream colored felt. For example, for the pencil I sewed on the pink, silver, yellow, tan, and black pieces onto the cream "background" piece.
Embroider/sew on any additional designs/beads/sequins. This is when I added the stitches to make the lines on the paper and then added the beads and sequins.
Place the top of your cookie onto the other cream background piece and use a blanket stitch to sew around the edge, leaving an opening big enough to insert your quilt batting to stuff your cookies.
Insert a VERY THIN layer of quilt batting. Remember, these are cookies, so you want them to still be relatively flat.
Sew around the remaining edge of your cookie to close.
I hope you love these back to school felt treats!